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Data Upload Guidelines

Data format:

For most data we will use csv files in "long" data format (i.e. one column= one variable). For an example, see the attached TP data file. Please do not use multiple tabs, since csv files do not support tabs.

There are some types of data that are not suitable for storage in such formats (genomics, DOM spectra). We can deal with those types of data on a one-by-one basis.

Sample naming:

The sample naming convention we agreed on in the Winter Grab planning phase is: PIname_site_collectiondate_samplingdepth_analysis_replicate. So for example: "Godwin_SB-14_15.02.2022_0.7_TP_A" or "Doubek_SM-LH_17.02.2022_8.5_NO2_B". All this information should be on the sample labels you received. Site and PI names are all here.

Data file names and metadata: 

Please name data files as follows:  PI_analysisdate_analysis. For example: Ozersky_May22_TP.csv. Please accompany data files with .txt metadata files that briefly describe how the analyses were conducted (analysis dates, analyst name, method, reference, equipment, detection limit, how to interpret negative or non-detect values, etc.). Name the metadata files as follows: PI_analysisdate_analysis_meta.txt. (e.g., Ozersky_May22_TP_meta.txt). My lab is in the process of adding the metadata to the directory.

Data sharing options:

You will have the option to share your data in three ways, you can change your sharing option at anytime:

1. Sharing within your organization privately. Please make sure you are choosing your organization under "Organization" and choose the "Private" option under Visibility. 

2. Sharing within WinterGab privately. Please make sure you are choosing "Winter Grab General" under "Organization" and choose the "Private" option under Visibility. 

3. Sharing with the public. Please make sure you are choosing "Winter Grab General" under "Organization" and choose the "Public" option under Visibility. 


Don't forget to have an up-to-date copy of the file saved in another location!

Detailed Instructions by Category and Examples:

- Water Quality Data:

  - Example Templet and Example Data

  - Please keep in mind is the sample naming convention. It is "PI.Name_Station.Name_Sampling.Date_Sampling.Depth_Analysis.Name_Replicate"

- CTD (Water Quality Sonde) Data

  - Example Templet and Example Data

  - Only include the 'downcast' data (trim away upcast data)

  - Trim any data where the sonde is in the air

  - Fill any columns for which you don't have data with 'NA'

  - Double-check with one of us before adding new columns

  - Details about column names are in the 'metadata' tab of the Sonde_template file.

- Taxonomic data

  - TBD